´Eagle 2.0´ – the rebirth of J-22
A few weeks ago, one almost unbelievable news was spread over the internet and surprised the aviation world – the Republic of Serbia is going to take J-22 Orao attack aircraft out from the aviation […]
A few weeks ago, one almost unbelievable news was spread over the internet and surprised the aviation world – the Republic of Serbia is going to take J-22 Orao attack aircraft out from the aviation […]
Mikoyan MiG-29s (NATO reporting name ´Fulcrum´) with tactical number ´70´(2960526370) and ´65´ (2960526365), from Polish Air Force, 22nd Tactical Air Base in Malbork, at the Kleine-Brogel air force base (Belgium), September 2017. Every year in […]
On 5th August 2019, the eyes of the aviation world, were focused on the Goodwood Aerodrome in Chichester, the United Kingdom. Just then, from that very airfield, a restored and properly modified for the task, […]
In the history of human conflicts, there were countless legends created. Stories about the brave soldiers, military and political leaders were passed down through the generations and nowadays they are told by the traditional and […]
Antonov An-2TD ´Wiedeńczyk´, being tail chased by two aerobatic masters – Artur Kielak (Poland), in XtremeAir XA-41 and Jurgis Kairys (Lithuania), in Sukhoi Su-26. All aeroplanes are pictured while performing a joint display during the […]
The sad news about the mid-air collision of two French helicopters in Mali, killing thirteen, flashed around the world a few days ago. This tragedy, paradoxically, recalled the world about ´Operation Barkhane´, the French-led mission […]
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