2020 air show season – cancellations update (3)
The highlight of the past week was the cancellation of the Victory Day Parade in Russia. The 75th jubilee of the victory over the Nazi Germany had to be a spectacular show, however the confirmed […]
The highlight of the past week was the cancellation of the Victory Day Parade in Russia. The 75th jubilee of the victory over the Nazi Germany had to be a spectacular show, however the confirmed […]
A short supplement to the article published a week ago, containing the list of already cancelled or postponed aviation events, due to the precautions against the coronavirus outbreak. The updated list include the shows already […]
Nord Aviation 2501 Noratlas operated by L’association Le Noratlas de Provence, flying display during Tag der Bundeswehr open doors event at Fliegerhorst Landsberg/Penzing, June 2017. In late 1940s, the French Air Force opened the competition […]
The first days of new year 2020 are already here, meaning the best time to start thinking about the forthcoming air show season. As some of the organizers already released a few initial information and […]
Fouga CM-170R Magister, D-IFCC (Quax Flieger) – a photo taken in June, during the spotter day in Nordholz air base (Fliegerhorst Nordholz), organized in addition to the Tag der Bundeswehr 2019 annual open doors event […]
On 26th June 1948, thirty-two C-47 transport aircraft took-off from the airfields located in the Allied occupation zones of Germany and headed for Berlin. Carrying 80 tonnes of cargo, including milk, flour and medicines, those […]
Since the first edition in 2015, the open house event of the German armed forces – Tag der Bundeswehr (the day of the Federal Defence Forces), met with the great interest and already exceeded the […]
On 9th June 2018, the gates of sixteen military facilities belonging to the German armed forces opened for general public, within the fourth edition of Tag der Bundeswehr – an annual open-doors event organized by […]
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