It did not last long to receive another interesting information related to flying programme of the Aviation Fair 2024. This time, the organizers announced unique display of the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS), to be performed by EC135 rotorcraft of the DSA company.
Although the search-and-rescue displays were repeatedly presented during previous editions of the Aviation Fair (Aviatická pouť) air shows, they were usually performed by military rotorcraft. Many times, the Czech Air Force crews showcased their outstanding skills and thrilled the spectators with both ´classic´ SAR display flew with PZL W-3A Sokół and its combat variant (CSAR) performed jointly by Mil Mi-171 and Mil Mi-24V.
This year, the flying programme of the 32nd Aviation Fair will include one more rescue display, to be performed by the EC135 helicopter of the DSA company. In addition, it will be the premiere performance of the civilian HEMS rotorcraft during the Pardubice air show.
The DSA Aviation Company with its seat in Hradec Králové, provides aerial service and training for more than twenty-five years. The Helicopter Emergency Medical Service is among the company´s main activities and currently DSA operates six out of ten HEMS stations in the Czech air ambulance service (Letecká záchranná služba – LZS). Within the HEMS system, the company operates EC135 T2+ helicopters, made by Eurocopter / Airbus.
In the past, general public was able to get more familiar with the air ambulance service operations during Helicopter Show events, organized on annual basis by the DSA company at Hradec Králové airfield. The show was widely known in the Czech Republic, mainly due to its spectacular so-called ´multiple vehicle collision display´. It was a simulation of a traffic accident with many cars involved and showcased a joint rescue operation performed by the air ambulance, fire-fighters and police, with use of several specialized vehicles. Regrettably, the last Helicopter Show took place in 2019 and the event was not renewed anymore (please refer to the following link for our report from Helicopter Show 2019).

In 2023, the rotorcraft of the DSA company could be seen at a few domestic aviation events. The white-painted Eurocopter AS350 B3e Écureuil, flown by Daniel Tuček, DSA Head of Training, who always performed amazing flying displays, fully showing capabilities of that light helicopter. The neatly shaped AS350 overwhelmed the spectators of Jaroměř Open Day, Čáslav Air Base Open Day and also during its premiere presentation at the 31st Aviation Fair.
´Aviation Fair is the only air show where our helicopter is going to be presented in a flying display this year´, says Daniel Tuček. ´The display at the Aviation Fair will be performed by our crew from LZS centre in Hradec Králové. It will consist of a DSA pilot and paramedics from the Medical Rescue Service of the Hradec Králové region. Certainly, it will be a backup crew. The helicopter on duty will all the time stay in our LZS centre´, assured Tuček.
The LZS centre in Hradec Králové uses the call-sign Kryštof 6 (Christopher 6) and mainly covers the area of Hradec Králové and Pardubice regions. The centre operates in 24/7 mode. In 2024, the DSA crews performed already three rescue actions at the top of Sněžka, the highest mountain in the Czech Republic (1,603 metres high).
The upcoming edition of the Aviation Fair air show will take place on 1st and 2nd June 2024, in Pardubice, the Czech Republic.