Dear Readers and Friends of Afterburner – The Aviation Magazine,
Step by step, we´re going the Afterburner way and soon it would be six months since the day our web page and aviation magazine started. As already mentioned in previous editorials, at the very beginning we had some concerns regarding if and how our idea would be accepted and we weren´t sure about your reactions.
Fortunately, our fears have proved unfounded and month by month we´re observing the constant grow of our followers, friends and readers. In a few days we´re expecting that the number of our Facebook fan page followers exceeds 200. We really appreciate your interest, and for us it´s like the real afterburner for a jet fighter, giving us the power to create new and even more interesting materials.
One may say that those numbers are not so impressive, but for us they matter, and we´re still working on our idea, building the new Afterburner – The Aviation Magazine sections and elements. As for non-commercial based aviation magazine, with just a few months from its start, those numbers are important.
Our editorial office is not slowing down the work – we expect you enjoyed reading our recently published articles as much, as we enjoyed them. With no exaggeration, we may promise you even more interesting materials to be released soon, starting with the air show report from LOTOS Gdynia Aerobaltic 2019, where our team spent one of the past weekends. It was really amazing aviation event and we´re really eager to tell you about it and show the photos.
Certainly, this is not the only air show we would be happy to tell you about, and you may expect other reports to be added to our web site shortly. Aviation Fair in Pardubice and Memorial Air Show in Roudnice are just two examples.
We also thank you for all the feedback we received, your comments and reactions are always welcomed, and they are a great help to us while editing the Afterburner magazine.
Kacper Kolibowski, Managing Editor