Kbely Museum
Tupolev Tu-104A / Ту-104А
Tupolev Tu-104A (c/n 76600503, formerly OK-LDA, operated by Československé Aerolinie / Czechoslovak Airlines – ČSA), open-air exhibition in Kbely Aviation Museum, Prague (Letecké muzeum Kbely), April 2013. Since the early 1950s, the turbojet propulsion was […]
Ilyushin Il-18B
Ilyushin Il-18B (c/n 189001604, OK-NAA, formerly operated by Československé aerolinie), exhibited at Letecké muzeum Kbely (Kbely aviation museum), Prague, September 2021. In the mid-1950s, the piston-powered passenger aircraft were being slowly replaced by faster and […]
Avia Av-14FG (Ilyushin Il-14)
Avia Av-14FG (c/n 079806101, 6102), a photogrammetric aircraft re-built from Avia Av-14-32 (license built Ilyushin Il-14M), currently under restoration in Kbely Aviation Museum, Prague (Letecké muzeum Kbely), September 2021. It´s no exaggeration to say that […]