A new year has started, so – as in our custom – we are starting a series focused on air shows and other interesting aviation events scheduled for 2022. At this very moment we do not know whether it would be the one we are accustomed to, or if current year would be marked by another covid-related restrictions.
Although another wave of infections is currently spreading through Europe, many countries are removing restrictions and many scientists do believe that omicron is a final phase of pandemic. Well, we will find it out soon enough – as we are all aware that there were lot of promises recently.
Nevertheless, we would like to share some news and dates with you, hoping all events will take place and will allow us to enjoy them the way we are used to.
Let´s start with one of our favourite air show events and this means – yes, you have guessed it right, the Sanicole International Airshow. Although the date of Sanicole week was disclosed already last year, a significant change in the event schedule was announced a few weeks ago.
Since 2010, the Sanicole show was organized as a two-day event, with evening displays on Friday and then full air show day on Sunday. They were usually separated by a spotter day, organized at the nearby Kleine-Brogel air base on Saturday. Nevertheless, unlike the previous editions, there will be no Friday sunset show in 2022.
Last year, due to covid-related restrictions, the show was split into three days, with Sanicole Sunset on Friday, and then two days of regular displays on Saturday and Sunday, with limited number of participants. According to the organizer, many visitors found it difficult to arrive to Sanicole on Friday, as this is a regular business day, and therefore missed the evening show.

In order to remove that inconvenience, there will be no event on Friday this year and all evening displays will be moved to Saturday. As a result, Sanicole weekend will mean a full air show day on 10th September – with both traditional and then sunset displays – followed by the usual event on Sunday, 11th September.
Certainly, such a change will allow more visitors to attend the show. Nevertheless, we do hope that in case the Sanicole show would be, as usual, connected with the spotter day at Kee Bee, detailed schedule would allow to participate in both events (including the evening displays).
The dates for, possible, spotter day at Kleine-Brogel are not confirmed yet. All depends on the pandemic situation, operational needs and another event called Belgian Air Force days. Initially, the latter was scheduled for June of 2022 at Florennes, but then there were some information that the event would be cancelled. However, the Twitter account ´Spottersday KeeBee´ indicates the Belgian Air Force days are intended for September 2022. Nevertheless, we will keep you updated.
Most of traditional air show events organized usually in the Czech Republic have also already announced their dates for 2022. This year´s season will be traditionally opened by Den ve vzduchu in Plasy, planned to be held on 30th April and 1st May 2022. It will be followed by Aviation Fair in Pardubice, scheduled for 28th and 29th May.

June should bring two aviation events that used to be organized biennially – Historical Airshow in Mladá Boleslav on 18th June and Memorial Air Show in Roudnice nad Labem on 25th and 26th June.
The 2019 edition of the Czech International Air Show was met with mixed criticism and opened up a public discussion about necessary changes in the event formula. Then there was a two-year gap caused by the pandemic restrictions and some estimated the event would not return anymore. Nevertheless, the date for 2022 was just announced and the CIAF should return on 3rd and 4th September of this year.
Those who love classic aircraft will certainly be pleased by the 2022 event schedule already disclosed by the QUAX association. Hangartage in Padernborn, planned to be held on 14th and 15th May is going to open their schedule, followed by Blaulichttreffen (21st May), Ostblock Fly-In (10th and 12th June), Stearman & Friends (1st – 3rd July) and Deutsches Typentreffen (16th – 18th September). Apart from the first event, all the others are going to be organized at Bienenfarm (Paulinenaue, Brandenburg).
And that information concludes our initial news about the aviation events planned for 2022. Obviously, it is just a beginning of the series and soon we will let you know about even more interesting air shows, spotter days and open door days. Stay tuned!