On Friday, 29th November 2024, the Swiss Eidgenössische Departement für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport (the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport – DDPS) officially informed the decision was made to suspend, for an indefinite period, the Swiss Hornet Solo Display team activities, as well as to disband the Swiss Para Wings parachute display team. The resolution was made in reference to austerity measures and strengthening the country´s defence capabilities, including the oncoming implementation of the 5th generation fighter aircraft.
Thus, the Swiss Hornet Solo Display team shared the fate of many other European military display teams that were forced to cease their activities in the face of generational changes in the air forces, as well as the introduction of Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter.
The Royal Netherlands Air Force was the first to announce the end of its two national display teams, with the RNLAF Apache Solo Display Team suspended for an indefinite time in 2016, and then the F-16 Solo Demo Team that followed in 2018.
Austerity measures also affected the Belgian Air Component. In September of 2023, the A109 Display Team performed its final show at the Belgian Air Force Days. Then, at the beginning of next year, the country´s military authorities announced the end of the F-16 Solo Display team, which was a big surprise not only for the aviation enthusiasts´ community but also for the team itself. In addition, time of the Red Devils aerobatic team is also counted, bringing their performance in 2025 into question (more information about the cloudy future of the European military display teams can be found in our article from February of 2024 – Nothing lasts forever – a cloudy future of European military display teams).

It is worth to mention that the Swiss austerity programme affects not only the F/A-18 display team but the entire air force. As stated in the abovementioned announcement of the DDPS, the Swiss Air Force was used to take part in about fifty domestic and international aviation events per year. Now, its activity will be limited only to national shows, the number of which will be reduced at least half, anyway. Moreover, abroad performance of the Swiss aircraft will be allowed only in exceptional cases.
According to the DDPS, the latest adjustments are as follows:
- the F/A-18 Swiss Hornet Solo Display is suspended indefinitely, effective on 1st January 2025, due to allocating all resources to operational duties of the country´s Hornet fleet and pilots´ training activities;
- the Swiss Para Wings team is disbanded, effective on 1st January 2025, however, the parachute reconnaissance company is expected to perform up to seventeen tactical jumps on selected events;
- the Super Puma Display team will focus its programme on demonstrating the ability of tactical air transport;
- the PC-21 Solo Display will become the new showcase of the air force, demonstrating its modern, future-oriented approach to training of new military pilots;
- Patrouille Suisse is, for the time being, expected to continue its display activity until 2027;
- activities of the PC-7 Team remain unchanged.
As stated in the announcement, the abovementioned austerity measures allow the Swiss armed forces to allocate more resources for the benefit of pilots´ training and operational duties. In addition, further corresponding measures are being prepared.

Interesting fact is that decision about indefinite suspension – which is basically a euphemism for ´cancellation´ – of the Swiss Hornet Solo Display was, similarly to the Belgian case, a surprise for the team. Only a day before the announcement, in the evening of 28th November, the official Facebook fan page of the team posted an information about closing the 2024 display season, with wishes of a wonderful winter break. Without any mention there will be no more displays next year.
The Swiss Hornet Solo Display was established twenty-seven years ago and quickly became one of the most favoured fighter display teams in Europe. For many years, the Swiss F/A-18s showcased their abilities at several international air shows and local aviation events. And, without any exaggeration, it always have been an outstanding performance and great experience, not only for the keen aviation enthusiasts.
Nevertheless, although it came much earlier than expected, the decision about cancellation of the team´s activity was a foregone conclusion. The imminent end of the F/A-18 Swiss Hornet Solo Display became clear in September of 2022, on the day Switzerland decided to join the F-35 users´ family.
Similarly to other air forces that already are implementing the 5th generation fighters, it was rather impossible that Switzerland would establish a national demonstration team operating the F-35 fighter. Regrettably, for most countries, including Switzerland, and their military budgets, operation of the Lightning II in the additional role of display jet may be just prohibitively expensive.
Currently, the USAF is the sole air force in the world with an active and official F-35 display team. Nevertheless, its operation is, to a large extent, focused on supporting marketing and sales of that 5th generation fighter.

In conclusion, we would like to thank Captain Marcel ´Frodo´ Rust, and the Swiss Hornet Solo Display for a wonderful year of outstanding flying displays. Regrettably, with the first season being also the final one for ´Frodo´ and his team.
Our thanks also go out to all the previous pilots and maintenance personnel of the Swiss Air Force, who brought almost three decades of amazing experience to all aviation enthusiasts. Below, you may find a complete list of the Swiss Hornet Solo Display pilots, together with years of their assignment to the F/A-18 demonstration team:
1997 – 1998 Maj. Stéphane ´Punzel´ Rapaz / Capt. Werner ´Höffi´ Hoffmann
1999 – 2000 Capt. Frédéric ´Styff´ Ryff
2001 – 2003 Capt. Patrick ´Dähli´ Dähler
2004 – 2006 Capt. Michael ´Elvis´ Reiner
2007 – 2009 Maj. Thomas ´Pipo´ Peier
2010 – 2012 Capt. Ralph ´Deasy´ Knittel
2014 – 2016 Capt. Julien ´Teddy´ Meister
2017 – 2019 Capt. Nicolas ´Vincent´ Rossier
2021 – 2023 Capt. Yannick ´Fönsi´ Zanata
2024 Capt. Marcel ´Frodo´ Rust