The upcoming edition of Aviation Fair (Aviatická pouť) air show will take on 1st and 2nd June 2024. This year, the East Bohemian airfield in Pardubice will be hosting that biggest civilian aviation event in the Czech Republic for the 32nd time. Traditionally, the show will offer a diverse programme of flying and ground displays.
This year, according to the organizers, the main flying programme of the Aviation Fair will last for approximately five hours. As usual, performances of historical aircraft will be made in the combined show formula the air show in Pardubice is famous for, thus enhanced by simultaneous ground displays, played by reenactors, and related to years the aeroplane was in regular service.
Presentation of the modern equipment of the Czech Armed Forces is also planned during the event, with JAS-39 Gripen solo performance and SAR helicopter display as its highlights.
Flight Training Centre (Centrum leteckého výcviku – CLV) in Pardubice, operated by the LOM Praha company, is one of the regular participants of the Aviation Fair show. This year, the CLV celebrates its 20th jubilee, and the air show organizers already officially confirmed its anniversary performance at the 32nd Aviation Fair.
The upcoming Aviation Fair will be also the first opportunity to officially introduce the Aviation Fair Squadron (Letka Aviatické pouti) to general public. Although the squadron officially commenced its operation as early as October of 2019, the plans to perform its first display at the then 30th jubilee edition of the air show were shattered by coronavirus outbreak. Last year, the Aviation Fair Squadron acquired two more aeroplanes, therefore its premiere is expected just during the 2024 edition of the event.
In addition to the above, the list of already disclosed participants of the 32nd Aviation Fair includes two aerobatics groups – Royal Jordanian Falcons and Flying Bulls Aerobatic Teams, as well as Lockheed 12A Electra Junior, Pilatus PC-9, Ryan PT-22 and group of aircraft from the Hangar 7 of the Flying Bulls.