2023 air show season – news and updates (3)
The first half of 2023 has passed and this is the best moment to take a closer look at aviation events planned for the remaining months of the year. In other words, it is the […]

Dassault Mirage F1CR
Dassault Mirage F1CR (c/n 646, 118-NW of Armée de l’air / the French Air Force), static display at Slovak International Air Fest, Sliać, August 2013. In the 1950s, French aircraft manufacturer – Dassault Aviation – […]

Mikoyan and Gurevich MiG-29AS
Mikoyan and Gurevich MiG-29AS, NATO reporting name ´Fulcrum´ (c/n 2960535409/4715, ´0921´ of the Slovak Air Force) taxiing at Malacky – Kuchyňa air base, August 2022. Although the MiG-29 was already introduced within our Photo of […]

Slovakia says farewell to MiG-29
This coming weekend, during the Slovak International Air Fest air show held at Malacky – Kuchyňa air base, Slovakia will officially say farewell to its MiG-29 fighter aircraft (NATO reporting name ´Fulcrum´). At the end […]

In a new place, but appealing as usual – SIAF 2021
Slovak International Air Fest was one of the few traditional air shows that were held last year, despite the pandemic restrictions. After a one-year break, the event had returned with a set of interesting displays, […]

2022 air show season announcements (2)
In the past week we have started a series focused on aviation events planned for this year´s season. That initial article has already introduced some air shows and classic aircraft meetings to be held in […]

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21MF
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21MF (c/n 967801, ex-Slovak Air Force ´7801´), NATO reporting name ´Fishbed-J´, static display during Slovak International Air Fest air show, Sliać air base, September 2012. At the end of 1961, the first four MiG-21 […]

2020 air show season – news and updates (6)
The first days of August would seem like the good moment for a brief overview of the current air show season. First of all, we are in the middle of summer holidays and secondly, more […]

Air shows go online!
As the year advanced, it became clear that anti-coronavirus measures would last with us at least until the end of 2020. The limit of participants for public events is one of them, together with keeping […]