´Eagles´ in the sky (2)

At the beginning of this year, we paid a virtual visit at the 98th Air Brigade of the Serbian Air Force and Air Defence (98. Bаздухопловна бригада, Ратно ваздухопловство и противваздухопловна одбрана Војске Србије) to […]


Autumn practice of fighter aviation

In the middle of October, fighter aviation of the 6th Red Banner Leningrad Army of Air and Air Defence Forces (6-я Краснознамённая Ленинградская армия Военно-воздушных сил и противовоздушной обороны) took part in a live-fly training […]


Combat aviation at ´Zapad-2021´

Between 10th and 16th September 2021, approximately 200,000 military personnel from Russia, Belarus and member countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, took part in a joint Russian-Belarussian strategic exercise […]