Autumn practice of fighter aviation

In the middle of October, fighter aviation of the 6th Red Banner Leningrad Army of Air and Air Defence Forces (6-я Краснознамённая Ленинградская армия Военно-воздушных сил и противовоздушной обороны) took part in a live-fly training […]


On the Arctic Circle duty

Approximately a month ago we have informed about the first regular, although still called ´experimental´, deployment of the Northern Fleet fighter aircraft to Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Now, MiG-31BM interceptors of the 98th Separate Mixed Aviation […]


Live-fly exercise of the 6th Army

In the first part of October, a mixed aviation group from the 6th Red Banner Leningrad Army of Air and Air Defence Forces (6-я Краснознамённая Ленинградская армия Военно-воздушных сил и противовоздушной обороны) took part in […]