Praga E-114B ´Air Baby´
Praga E-114B ´Air Baby´ (OK-TAU 05, c/n 122), flying display at ´Den ve vzduchu´ air show, Plasy 2016. In August of 1934, prototype of E-114 aircraft took-off for its maiden flight. This light, all-wood single […]
Praga E-114B ´Air Baby´ (OK-TAU 05, c/n 122), flying display at ´Den ve vzduchu´ air show, Plasy 2016. In August of 1934, prototype of E-114 aircraft took-off for its maiden flight. This light, all-wood single […]
Flying Officer Jaroslav Čermák from No. 313 (Czech) Squadron RAF, crashes with his Spitfire Mk.V (AR512) near Taunton, after colliding with a train. Complicated wartime fortunes of Jaroslav Čermák may work as a perfect example […]
Grumman TBM-3E Avenger ´Charlie´s Heavy´ (HB-RDG, c/n 3381), taking-off for a flying display at Memorial Air Show, Roudnice nad Labem, June 2015. Distinctive silhouette and characteristic sound of TBM-3 Avenger, nicknamed ´Charlie´s Heavy´, is well […]
On 25th May 2021, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has informed about deployment of three strategic, nuclear-capable and long-range Tu-22M3 bombers (NATO reporting name: Backfire) to Syria. It is the very first […]
Retired aircraft can often be seen at aviation monuments, in museums or in a role of air base gate guards. Usually they reach their final destination after a complicated logistic operation and being carried there […]
On 21st May 2021, the Serbian Air Force and Air Defence (Ратно ваздухопловство и противваздухопловна одбрана Војске Србије) has officially retired their MiG-21 fighters (NATO reporting name: Fishbed). A sentimental goodbye to this legendary aircraft, […]
Eurocopter (now: Airbus Helicopters) EC120B Colibri (English: hummingbird), HE.25-11 of the Spanish Air Force helicopter aerobatic team Patrulla ASPA, Kleine-Brogel air base, September 2017. In order to introduce the roots of EC120 light utility helicopter, […]
Antonov An-26, a twin-engine, turboprop transport aircraft, performed its maiden flight. Antonov An-26 is one of the most-known aircraft designed by the Antonov construction bureau and, at the same time, stays among the best remembered […]
Beriev A-50 / А-50У airborne early warning and control aircraft, NATO reporting name: Mainstay (´41´ Taganrog / Таганрог), static display at International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2017, Zhukovsky, July 2017. The story of Soviet airborne […]
On 5th May 2021, Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 74 (74th Tactical Wing), commonly known as the ´Bavarian Tigers´, has celebrated its 60th anniversary. Formerly known as Jagdgeschwader 74 (74th Fighter Wing), the unit was founded in 1961, […]
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